Add Value to Your Property With Quality Sod

As we turn the corner into spring, many homeowners may be getting their properties ready for a sale. The housing market heats up during this time of the year, so you want to present your home in an appealing way. The minute that a buyer pulls up to your first door, curb appeal can form a lasting impression.

3 Ways Your Lawn Repels or Attracts Potential Home Buyers

If your lawn has been neglected over the years, it will communicate volumes before visitors even step foot inside your home. On the other hand, a well-kept green “carpet” will lead eager home buyers up to your front door. Here are some of the ways the state of your lawn will prompt others to do a 360 back to their car or create further interest:

  1. A run-down exterior appearance screams “money pit”: When potential home buyers assess the condition of your lawn, they are using this indication to anticipate the other financial expenditures needed to make a property livable. Anytime you can stop the cash registers in their mind from setting off alarms, the greater chance you have of making a home sale.
  2. Lawn condition opens the gate to forming connections and sales: If visitors who enjoy gardening spot a beautiful lawn, they immediately recognize a fellow nature lover. People like doing business with others of like mind and can picture themselves in a setting where the current homeowners maintained similar priorities.
  3. Yard status signals degree of upkeep required: Besides financial concerns constantly setting off loud bells, potential home buyers are calculating how much work they will need to do after a purchase. When the see a lush-looking lawn, they can visualize stretching out on a chaise lounge with a cool drink rather than doing back-breaking work.

Contact Us About High-Quality Sod Now!

Would you like to interest potential home buyers with a beautiful lawn? After you use the high-quality but affordable products from Superior Sod & Garden Supplies, you may decide that you simply can’t move because of the lush greenery. To get started on the right foot this spring, contact us!

Tips for Selecting the Right Herbicides, Fertilizing to Develop a Great Lawn and Using Insecticides

When you look out your window, does your lawn look completely forlorn? Last year, did the blazing sun leave scorched patches and gaping areas, which have turned to messy areas full of mud? If you want to enjoy beautiful grass, did you know that the time to think about sod and fertilizers is now?

Here are some tips to help you get started. You’ll also find helpful information about the right times to use herbicides, fertilizers and insecticides, so you can mark your calendar now!

Herbicides for Weed Control Mid-February Through April

Even though some gardeners claim that weeds are just misplaced flowers, most homeowners simply don’t want to see them in their yards. They also dislike the back-breaking and labor-intensive work of yanking weeds by their roots. To save you this annoyance, you can use herbicides for weed control immediately.

The middle of February is actually the right time to use a pre-emergent product like a 50-pound bag of Dimension. This herbicide treats a 10,000-square-foot area, which you’re planning for summer annuals. During March and April, you can also tackle broadleaf and grassy weeds with the following:

  • Atrazine (qt.): Pre- and post-emergent herbicide for a 3,000-square-foot area
  • Speedzone and Trimec (qt.): Herbicides treating broadleaf weeds in 15,000- or 3,000- to 4,000- square-foot sections, respectively

Chemical Data Fertilizers for Grass Varieties and Sabal Palms Mid-March Through April

Are you always confused about which chemical data fertilizers to select for grass varieties and Sabal palms? The experts at Superior Sod and Garden Supplies can educate you about the right products for the following:

  • Centipede
  • Empire and Zorro Zoysia
  • St. Augustine
  • Bermuda
  • Sabal Palms

Deterrence of Garden Pests With Use of Insecticides April Through June

If you’re looking forward to relaxing in your garden, you’ll want to plan how to discourage unwanted pests. From April through June, you should use insecticides to deter mole crickets and grubs. We can also offer advice on the right products to use later in the season to eliminate:

  • Chinch bugs
  • Army worms
  • Fire ant mounds

Contact Us for More Information About Herbicides, Fertilizers and Insecticides

If you would like to mark your calendar about when to use these and other products later in the season, you will find our helpful list here. Do you still have additional questions about herbicides, fertilizers and insecticides? Contact Superior Sod and Gardening Supplies now!

Start Planning Your Tropical Garden Design: Tips for Selecting, Planting and Caring for Palm Trees

As February drags on for anyone with the winter blahs, those who prefer to spend time in their gardens may feel like our gray days will never lift. The good news? With temperatures in Wilmington, N.C., hovering in the 50s and 60s this week, you can start to think about designing a tropical landscape to help you pass the time.

When you gaze out the window, would you like to create an exotic setting with palm trees? Here are some tips to help you begin thinking about creating the best garden design. Our landscaping experts are always pleased to share their recommendations for selecting, planting and caring palm trees on your property!

Design Suggestions for Palm Trees in Wilmington, NC

Sometimes, you have a vague notion that you want to enhance the landscaping at your home but don’t know where to begin. Unless you have natural horticultural talent, you need the help of gardening professionals to help you execute a plan that is right for your property. To begin this process, consider the following questions:

  • Are you trying to create a sense of privacy around your home?
  • Do you have enough space to handle a 50-foot or taller palm tree when it matures?
  • Do you have a shady area, which many palm trees prefer?

If you answered “yes” to these questions but still feel confused about which one to select, we have photos of several palm tree designs to spark your own landscaping plan. Some of the palm trees, which thrive in our area, include:

  • Pindo
  • European and windmill
  • Sabal palmetto

As you can see from these photos, you can tuck a gardening ornament into the palm’s greenery to create a personal oasis. If you want a shield with some open spaces, one of the repetitive designs might work well on your property. Visit our Facebook and Twitter pages, and let us know your favorite!

Contact Our Landscaping Experts for Palm Tree Recommendations

The landscaping experts at Superior Sod and Gardening Supplies can help you pick a palm tree that will thrive in our area. If you would like to learn more, we have some helpful information here. If you have any other questions, we are always delighted to share our knowledge about palm trees, sod and other gardening supplies.

Contact us!

Why Inspect Your Yard Now?

Making a regular tour of your yard allows you to find small problems before they become big, expensive problems. If you contract out your yard work, don’t assume the workers will bring problems to your attention. They may not be looking.

Visibility During Winter

Winter is a good time to inspect your property because many plants are dormant. Their leaves are down and it’s easier to see under bushes and into the corners. Make sure you go all around the boundaries, not just the areas where you spend the most time.

Here are some things to look for during a yard inspection:

* Trash, vandalism and theft, especially along roads and sidewalks. Studies have shown that trash attracts more trash. Discarded food, wrappers and containers draw rodents, insects and breeding mosquitoes. New plantings can be vulnerable to thieves.
* Standing water means a drainage problem. Don’t let your valuable sod and plantings drown!
* Broken, rotting or rusted fences. A fence in poor repair can’t do its job of keeping what you want in and what you don’t want out.
* Broken or damaged trees and shrubs. Damage to deciduous trees is easiest to see when the leaves are down. Look for broken or split branches and sprouting fungus. Check the bases of bushes and small trees for signs of animals gnawing the bark. Tending to small tree problems while they can be handled from the ground or by a climber is easier on your lawn than waiting until a truck has to drive across it to take care of a major problem.
* Discolored or wilted sod and leaves may have many causes such as soggy soil, damaged roots or stems, insects, disease or exposure to harmful chemicals such as herbicides and salt spray.
* Animal damage. Many people enjoy watching backyard wildlife. Most birds, animals and insects do no harm to your sod and yard. Some are beneficial, but others can cause problems. Watch out for holes and tunnels in the lawn and under plantings, droppings, missing leaves and bitten-off stems, holes drilled in bark and wasp nests in trees or under eaves. Dealing with wildlife problems may be as simple as bringing your pet’s food dish inside, so that it doesn’t attract the skunks that dig up the sod, or may require a licensed pesticide applicator or exterminator.

Solutions for Landscape Problems

We have many years of experience in solving landscape problems! Contact us for assistance!

Take Good Care of Your Sod

As a homeowner, you want to keep your sod healthy and strong for as long as possible. To do so, there are some instructions you should follow, and points to avoid. The most common mistakes are over-watering, over-fertilizing or applying too much nitrogen or pre-emergent. Sod care is about balance. As a general rule, less is more.

Problem Areas

Sod is susceptible to disease, insects and weeds, but all of these problems are treatable. Disease is an issue in the warmer season, especially in high-humidity climates. Too much nitrogen just makes the disease spread. Watch for brown patches in the sod, and treat with fungicides to prevent continued damage.

The following insects can thrive in your sod if they go undetected:

Leaf hoppers
Chinch bugs
Ground pearls
Fall armyworms

Inspect your grass for weakening and discoloration. If you have an infestation, or a mild insect issue, you should identify the type of bug as quickly as possible and treat it with an insecticide, such as Diazinon, Sevin or Merit.

Weeds, like insects, need to be identified before you treat them with the appropriate herbicide. However, using herbicide in the first two months after installation can damage the lawn. Act defensively, and mow your lawn regularly to keep weeds at bay.

Practice Good Habits

If you want to maintain your sod so family and friends can enjoy it, you should practice good lawn-care habits. Continue to water, mow and fertilize your sod. When you first install your sod, water it daily (between 5 and 10 a.m.). As the sod knits together, begin to water every other day, and then every third day. After the sod is established (approximately four to five mowings), further reduce the frequency of days you water. This prompts the root to search for its own water.

When you mow, take one-third of the grass at most. The more frequently you mow, the faster and thicker the grass grows.

Before fertilizing, get a free soil analysis from the NC Extension Service. Depending on the analysis results and the type of sod you’re growing, you’ll want to use a small amount of nitrogen and fertilizer with iron, to keep the grass green.

Superior Sod is available to answer your questions with situation-specific advice. Contact us to discuss sod-care and maintenance.

Don’t Let Winter Put a Freeze on Your Lawn

Winter can be a tough time for lawns. Less than ideal conditions can leave a lawn looking patchy, bare and unhealthy when spring rolls around. Prevent and repair winter damage with these simple tips.

Why Does Winter Damage Occur?

Harsh winter weather can be tough on lawns. Extended periods of freezing weather or many months of freezing and thawing can damage individual grass plants and roots. Increased precipitation from rain and snow can also cause problems with over-watering. Decreased hours of daylight slow plants growth and make it even more difficult for your lawn to recover from this damage.

Although you may see only the problems in your grass, winter weather can cause soil damage as well. Soil is made up of granules of different types of materials like sand, clay, loam and silt mixed in with water and pockets of air. Cold temperatures can cause soil to freeze, which damages the delicate soil structure and can lead to compaction. Compacted soil does not drain well, and plant roots struggle to grow in compacted soil. Likewise, cold soil temperatures can hinder the uptake of certain key nutrients plants need to thrive.

How to Prevent and Repair Winter Damage

Good lawn care all year round will make your lawn less susceptible to winter damage, but first you have to identify the root cause of your problem. If excess moisture is your problem, you may want to consider cutting back on watering after July. You may also want to remove existing grass in spring and plant a variety that tolerates water better. If freezing temperatures are your problem, you can plant a number of hardy varieties of grass that can better stand up to cold weather. If you notice that the shaded areas of your lawn struggle to grow after winter, you can replace these areas with mulch or topsoil. Lastly, if you have low-lying areas that fill with water during the winter, you may want to consider leveling these areas. Although it sounds difficult, leveling a yard can be done quickly and easily by a quality landscaping companies.

Superior Sod has many products and resources to help repair winter lawn damage. We carry a variety of weather-hardy grasses as well as mulch and topsoil. Contact us today to see how we can turn your patchy or unhealthy lawn back into a lush, green oasis.

Add Topsoil and Mulch to Improve Your Sod or Seed Landscaping

To get the best results from your purchase of Superior Sod products, you will also need sufficient quantities of high-quality topsoil and mulch.

Topsoil is used to level out uneven ground or to add extra nutrients to the soil prior to planting. The topsoil we can order or deliver for your landscaping project comes from our partner, Mr. Parker. He produces a certified compost mix comprised of 15 percent turkey compost, black dirt and sand. The product is then heated so it can be certified weed seed free.

Without that topsoil, it can be difficult for seeds to germinate into thick, healthy grass. It also makes the lawn look more beautiful and manicured by leveling out any natural hollows or dips in the grass, which simplifies the process of laying out sod. We carry a full selection of topsoil at our farm terminal in Ogden, or we can deliver it right to your door.

We can also provide you with a layer of mulch, which adds extra compost and nutrients to the soil. It makes a lovely border for the edges of your project, where it intersects with trees, bushes and walkways and protects topsoil from being blown away or eroded by the wind and rain.

At Superior Sod, you can buy several varieties of mulch to protect your topsoil and provided added nutrients for your plants and trees. They are all triple shredded and free from debris or foreign byproducts. We can deliver many colors and styles of mulch including:

Hardwood: Typically is made from a hardwood, such as oak. It provides a natural windbreak which prevents soil erosion for pathways, slopes, and steep banks.
Chocolate brown: A hardwood mulch that has been dyed to a chocolate brown color. The dye is guaranteed to last for a year or more.
Superior red: A vibrant red color made from non-toxic dye, it provides a splash of interest to any landscaping design.

Mulch and topsoil look great and are an important step in designing your new yard-scape. To put mulch or topsoil down before your next seeding or sodding project, you can stop by and load up anything from a bucketful to a truck full. If you prefer, we will deliver the mulch and topsoil orders directly to your site.

Signs You Are Overwatering Your New Sod

You need to water new sod often to ensure it takes root, but watering it too much is possible. Overwatering can make your sod soggy, and this problem could prevent it from creating a robust root system. When sod has too much water, it is vulnerable to damage from disease, fungus and insects. If you start to see the signs of excessive watering, skip one or two of your watering sessions. You want the sod to be moist, not soggy.

Failure to Knit

After 1 to 3 weeks, your sod’s roots should begin to knit into the soil. You should observe the sod starting to grow 1 week after installation. Carefully lift one corner of the sod, and if it is difficult to lift, the roots are taking hold. If it’s still easy to lift the corner with gentle force, you could be over watering.

Root Rot

Too much watering could cause the roots of your sod to rot. During your new sod’s first week, you should look at its roots. Any sign of rot means you could be using too much water, or you’re watering too frequently. Because new sod requires watering daily, you have to pay close attention to the amount you are watering to avoid overdoing it.

Soggy Soil

Before the roots begin to grow, lift up the sod after a regular watering. You should touch the sod and the soil with your finger, and both should feel damp but not muddy. The sod shouldn’t feel like a sponge full of water; if it does, that’s a sign you are giving it too much water. The danger of overwatering is that the roots will never grow into the soil below.

Moisture Depth

The moisture depth of the soil beneath the sod is a good indication of whether or not you are over watering. Directly after sod installation and until the roots take, you should water the sod enough to moisten the top inch of the underlying soil. After the sod starts to establish its root system, you should water the soil down to 6 inches of moisture but reduce the number of times you water. Any deeper, and you are most likely over watering.

If you’re interested in installing sod on your property or you need help with the care and maintenance of your new sod, call Superior Sod & Garden Supplies today.

Advantages of Sod

Well, winter is in full swing here, and it’s just about time to start thinking about what you’ll do with your yard for the rest of the year. It’s always a good time to think about using sod in your lawn, and here are some advantages.

Less Water, Lower Heat, Property Value and Erosion Control

If you have chosen sod, you’ve chosen well. It can be used in 2 to 4 weeks, and it can be put down any time the ground is not frozen, so you don’t have to wait until spring. It also uses less water, contributing to lower costs for you. And the use of seed takes 2 to 3 weeks to germinate, while sod is an “instant” yard.

One of the biggest reasons to use sod in your yard is that it keeps heat down. In the hot summers of North Carolina, sod will be 30 degrees cooler than asphalt, and it will be a good 15 degrees cooler than a regular lawn (just soil). It also reduces gases and releases oxygen, which makes the air cooler. Who wouldn’t want that?

Another great reason for using sod is that it adds value to your home. In today’s world, as people move around and change homes frequently, you never know when you’ll want to sell. The value of your home will go up by 15% to 20% if you have a sod yard. It’s also much safer to play on sod than it is to play on soil, fescue grass or asphalt.

The last big reason for using sod is that it contributes to the health of the soil. The minute you put it in your yard, it begins to control erosion. You can stabilize your soil by using it on hills and on steep slopes in your lawn. It also acts as a filter, and it helps to get rid of mud. It also muffles and gets rid of noise.

Contact Us With Any Questions

So, if you have any other questions, get in touch with us! We service the greater Wilmington area and can help you find just what you need in terms of installation and sod. We hope you’ll consider using sod in your yard; our customers are always happy with our products, and we are here to help you make the most of your yard.

Secret for Eliminating Weeds: Rev Up Your Mower After Early Sod Installation

If you’re like most homeowners, the sight of unwanted weeds can hit your hot button. Every year, you spend hours of back-breaking work on your knees, pulling and yanking the wayward growth in an ongoing fight against nature. Despite futile attempts to pull out the weeds by their roots, these ugly splotches continue to return–marring the appearance of your lawn.

Tackling Neighbors’ Suggestions for a Clean Slate

You’ve tried every trick in the book to eliminate weeds permanently including a few that your neighbors have suggested. Some of these include:

•Spreading newspapers over large areas

•Laying down thick rubber mats

•Using bricks to hold down large trash bags

When the gardening season starts each year, you think that one of these remedies will deliver the desired result: a weed-free lawn that will set the stage for an enviable garden. However, to your dismay, you still find those ugly eyesores stubbornly poking their heads up in new locations around your home.

In exasperation, you arrive at Superior Sod & Garden Supplies in search of professional help for effective weed elimination. As you breathe a sigh of relief, our experts finally set you straight about the best ways to put an end to this annoying problem.

Clearing Up Sod and Weed Misconceptions

With renewed confidence that you can finally get your weed battle under control, you decide to install sod. However, you initially think that it must be left undisturbed, so the grass can take hold. You also anticipate the need to resist your weed-attack mode and wonder how you will control years of automatic action.

Fortunately, our knowledgeable team members at Superior Sod & Garden Supplies educate you about sod and weeds, correcting many misconceptions. We let you know up front that weeds often grow through the sod seams, so you’re not set up for disappointment. Then, we prepare you with the best plan of attack.

Here are some of our sod and weed tips:

•Mow your sod as soon as it is needed–even 1 week after installation.

•Allow the time necessary for the sod to heal and knit together.

•After 2 months from the sod installation, spot spray for any weed that persists.

You are relieved to learn that mowing these weeds should remove 99% of them. This year, you will finally enjoy a beautiful lawn!

Best Ways to Win the War Against Weeds

At Superior Sod & Garden Supplies, we know that the best defense against weeds is growing a thick and healthy lawn. You can achieve this goal by:

•Using a quality sod

•Having a professional handle installation

•Following through with correct mowing, fertilization and watering

We prefer to avoid the use of chemicals, which is expensive and dangerous for your health and the environment. Our experts can offer reliable guidance about a safe and effective way to deal with sod installation and weeds.

Stop pulling out weeds–and your hair. Contact us!

I'm Big Al and I can help you with your lawn

Hi I'm “Big Al” and I can help you with your grass

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This is my Empire Zoysia side lawn

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